Friday, November 26, 2010

Hamsters as Pets: You Will Surely Love Them

Most of us love to have pets in our homes as they act as our friends and never let us feel lonely. We generally prefer to have cats, dogs or birds in houses as these have been the conventional practice. Gifting pets to your children is a good way of inducing a sense of responsibility in them. We do not think of considering certain other animals that can prove out to be really good pets. One of them is dwarf hamsters. You will love to have hamsters as pets are this little creature has a beautiful furry body and a cute small tail.

These creatures can be of different types, the most commonly found types are the Campbell, Roborovski and the Winter White. They mainly belong to the Phodopus genus. All these greatly resemble to each other. If you consider having hamster as pets then you must also be careful about certain facts for the well being of these animals. It is often seen that they hurt one another while living in the dame cage. So, you must only cage those hamsters together those belong to the same breed and have same physical features. But if you intend to keep two hamsters of different breed in a single cage which can always be done when you have hamsters as pets; only you have to lend you ears to their funny scuffling sounds that they will make all day long. But there is no need to worry much as they never indulge themselves in serious fights with their roommates. When you will keep hamsters as pets you will realize that they all carry a very boss-like attitude.

If you have two hamsters as pets and those two are of different sexes then you must always try to keep them separately. Otherwise the female one will inevitably get pregnant. They are sexually quite mature animals and they have the tendency to mate from a very easily age. With hamsters as pets you are sure to have great fun.

Toy Hamster Pets: The Best Christmas Gift for Your Child

Without a doubt, the Zhu Zhu Toy Hamster Pets are probably the most popular Christmas gifts for children this coming holiday season. And no wonder when you see how cute and cuddly these toys are. It just seems that the toys are becoming more and more lifelike each year! But what sets these Zhu Zhu toy hamster pets apart from all the other cuddly and cute toys is that they can live in a virtual world too (online)! And the children absolutely love them.

There are certain safety issues that you must take care while letting you child play with the toy hamster pets. Simply keep in mind that as it comes with a motor, their hair could get entangled with the toy itself. If it does get caught in the Zhu Zhu pets hamster toy's wheel, calm them and simply take hold of the toy and push the head button to stop the rotation. Then you are able to gradually unwind the hair from the axle manually- do remember to be gentle. An important point to make is that Zhu Zhu toy hamster pets are not really intended to be taken to bed with your child. If your youngster demands to keep it with them even while they sleep, remove the batteries for safety.

Another thing about these toys is that they operate in 2 modes. The first is the loving mode which you can hear them chatters and squeaks. They want to be loved and petted. The other mode is the explore mode. And they will scamper and scoot across the floor or through their Hamster Habitat. The toys today are getting more and more lifelike and real-looking these days. But these toy hamster pets are so lovable and cuddly, that it is going to be a hit with your children on Christmas morning when they open the presents.
